Making "SELF PRIORITY" first

You all must have heard or know what is self priority. If not, It simply means giving compassion, time, energy and attention to oneself. Most of us know the happiness is the key to lead a good life, so acknowledging the things you love and why are important for your happiness. Why it is important: I believe sometimes we should all be a bit more selfish everwhen. As a day to day chores are important, similarly making time for yourself is equally important. It simply means knowing our needs, Taking care, Feelings, Examining things around etc. For example; Give someone a suggestion and they might not always take it, But give suggestion to a same person about their child or pet, they have more commitment. It simply states that we're actually bad at prioritizing our own needs, over people around us. It might lead you to being stressed, tired, frustrated like you didn't make enough time for you in all your attempts. These emotions give no service to anyone, you can't perform y...