Social Media Today

Let us know more about the very knowingly known topic, The Social Media Platform

Well...!!! Most of us know what it is, but do you know accurately?

Many questions are raised when we hear about "SOCIAL MEDIA". 

In common parlance, we call these as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr etc. 

We live in time and age, where things and information is just a click away. We are humans who are really curious in knowing things it might be relevant or irrelevant, want to understand the matter of our mind from this millennium. This is why social media comes in the trend.

Are you a member of any social media platform? If YES, are you spending yours most of the time scrolling? Are you handling it accordingly? Does it pull out your energy? Etc. There are many questions pops up, but let us run through the important part of this topic.

Social media is on the biggest elements we live with and we cannot ignore it. Social media is not limited to only sharing pictures or creating content, there are lots of powerful tools that provide social media, that's because social media is high and far reaching. Currently social media are matters of controversy, many consider it as boon, but majority feels it's whammy. Most of the people think it has rapidly destroyed human contact and revised modern relationships.

How social media works:-

In social media, most of people want to attract an audience because they want to sell their products or they want to showcase their talent or they want to showcase their skills or for searching a job and some people want to just show themselves in different ways. We know that many of us use this platform for our satisfaction or making connections or in this pandemic, we can see so many small businesses coming out to advertise their products on Social media.

Basically, it is digital word-of-mouth, like sharing, content, ideas, recommendations, stories, images, etc. Nowadays, Hashtag (#) is used to find a subject. So basically every topic, image or content is categorized accordingly it depends on us how we choose a different subject.

As Mark Zuckerberg says, "Connectivity is human right", it simply means making genuine and relevant connections isn't something bad. 

How one should handle the social media account?

Social media has been described as a silent revolution of the 21st century as the total number of social media users cross 3 billion with no sign of slowing down in the future. You see older people around, sometimes pass taunts or tell many things when we use social media.  One should understand the meaning of the social media like why I should use and what things I should watch and what it is relevant to me. Thousands of people watch irrelevant stuff and spend their precious time and energy in scrolling different posts. Use your social media page from which you can squeeze out all benefits for yourself. Here are some tips to use social media accordingly :-

  • Stop watching things which are irrelevant.
  • Do not like or subscribe pages which doesn't give pertinent.
  • Avoid sharing wishy-washy posts.
  • Do not post personal information or images or videos that can damage your reputation.
  • You can turn on privacy settings.
  • Spend fix time daily to spend in social media.
  • Make it as informative as you can.
  • Discover new and good ideas or trends.
  • Build connections.

Spending time is the most important part, like 1 hour or 2 hours per day. It is very important to spend certain and limited time for certain things. It makes you more organised.

What are the impacts of social media:-

  • Mental stress.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Time management.
  • Bullying or harassment.
  • Always looking for content.
  • Handling relationships.
  • Effects physical health.

Pros and Cons of Social media:-


  • Useful for information.
  • Encourage users.
  • Assiduously.
  • Free of cost or costless.
  • Keeping up with trends.
  • Offers tons of option.
  • Quick access to world.
  • Organisation for events.


  • Many can be fake.
  • Too many negative uses.
  • Time and energy consuming.
  • Unnecessary negative distraction.
  • Social media addiction.
  • Overweight.
  • Makes you Slugabed.

And many more...

Talking about cons, I sometimes feel it's boondoggles, sometimes it's phony, isn't it?

Now focusing on addiction part, it is under our control how to use it. Each social media community engages with different things at different times and people dont look for post without personal comments, get less likes and shares. From this people tend to feel lousy, doubt on oneself, demotivate and fall into depression. This might cause suicidal thoughts or mental illness. 

As previously I said in few blogs, knowing "Self Worth" is very important which helps you to be stable and cynical.

Scrolling, finding trends, following those trends, making up yourself to show on social media (though you are sad and discomfiture from inside), sending unimportant messages, spreading wrong information, liking, commenting, posting etc. Everything is fair but until and unless you know how to use in sapient way and ignoring "Yeasaying".

When you know how to balance with schedule in correct ways then you are completely organised and productive. This always leads to Irenic life with creating good and convivial environment around you.

Don't think that social media have been just a waste of time always, until and unless you know how should you use, what to look into, then you can always tell concomitant. 

- Shreya K 🙂


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