Jealousy - The Histrionics

Jealousy is often called as "Green-eyed monster" a literary theme for centuries. It is the state of feeling unhappy because someone or something you like or love, showing interest in another thing or person. This feeling of someone has something that you want or cannot have become the focus of systematic, Social science research.  

It is mostly conceptualized by focusing on situation antecedent.

How can you tell if someone is jealous? 

As we know, we can tell many things by someone's facial expression, body gestures and etc. A person consciously or unconsciously can become a green eyed monster. Understand the following signs of jealousy:

  • Celebrating others failure.
  • Imitating someone. 
  • False compliments.
  • Gossip behind.
  • Belittle on someone's success.
  • Boosting their success.
  • Crossing one's legs.
  • Mighty plan spoilers.

If you see any kind of signs within you or the people around, try it as it can harm your body and healthy mindset.

Why sometime it is difficult to accept that that oneself is jealous?

Being jealous of someone is thinking that "I'm less than them". Sometimes we feel jealous when someone you love passionately, loves another. We feel jealous and want beloved to love us. Here in this situation some people accept the fact of being jealous and try to work on it, on the other hand, some people don't want to accept it but in subconscious they become furious or tempered. These people think "If I accept, it makes me feel inferior, weak or entitled. As long as I stay quiet I can keep my dignity. 

But in these cases, the person who accepts the fact of being jealous and work on it to avoid those feelings, is the person who respects his or her dignity, worthiness and integrity.

How it can affect your Well being and Relationships:

When it comes to health most of us don't want to take any unnecessary risk. Jealousy is a most powerful and destructive human emotion, which is difficult to control. These are the effects on your health, if you are in the grip of jealousy: 

  • Suffering from blood pressure.
  • Weakening of immunity.
  • High level of anxiety.
  • Risking in heart rate levels.

Now let us understand how it can affect our relationships:

  • Creates insecurity.
  • Damages trust.
  • Making misperceive.
  • Miss out the presence. 
  • Starts arguments.
  • Doubting on oneself and others.

It's time to see jealousy for what it is destructive and standing in your way and to do something about it.

How to tackle jealousy and Avoid it:

Understanding how to tackle or stop being jealous is a prerequisite for healthy union. Let us look at the below points: 

  • Remind yourself that nobody has it all.
  • Avoid people who habitually value the wrong things.
  • Be grateful and spend time with grateful people.
  • Shift your focus to goodness in you and your life.
  • Celebrate success of others.
  • Be generous.

Now with all the energy it is time, once and for to break free from jealousy and experience a more fulfilled life because of it.

You deserve to have what you want and you actually can have, what you want.

- Shreya K 🙂

(IG - @shreya_musing)


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