Friends OR Friends'


The title must be bemusing. 

Well! This is a simple topic on a trendy topic of all the time "FRIENDS". 

Friendship is an affection arising from mutual esteem and good will, a beautiful connection between people. 

Friendship and friends sometimes can't be described in words. This is the most precious thing which always seemed to be respected and obeyed. Friendship can mean different things to different people.

Today's kids, young adults are much better educated than their grandparents, as share of young adults with higher education has steadily raised. This generation is much educated, but somewhere losing the pure traits of life. 

Now a days phones are replacing merits with any kind of relationships from friendship to flirting, committing to break up. Social media and phones are woven into peoples' lives.

Currently, people maintain different kinds of people on different platform as friends. For example, Facebook friends, Insta friends Tinder friends, etc. 

According to a study, When people start focusing and maintaining social media friends, they become ignorant about people or friends who are physically present with them.

Now let us know what is the difference between Social friends and Real friends.


Social friends, you know very well that he or she will be available anytime in your gadget, just you need to see that little green dot next to their name or something related, then easily you can start a conversation. 

Real friends, who is physically present with you is a person, who is with you for a moment or for some time to spend some quality time. The comfort and affection you feel that can't be compared. 

The above topic simply explains that currently gadgets are given more importance than real humans. Technology is highly affecting lives and relationships. Social life can only make you conscious about things which aren't gonna be, but a friend always tries to bring you on a right path, with things you can really do and praise you. 


1. Try to avoid gadgets, especially phone when you are with a friend / friends.

2. Practice humility. 

3. Be thankful and respect the fact of time and moment. 

4. Make a meaningful and genuine connection.

In one day, we can't get through this. But when the time arrives, it's integral to our happiness and remind each other through actions - small or large - that we care.

"Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how".

- Shreya K


  1. That was awesome one with true facts really loved it.😍

  2. True friends are the ones we can always count on.

  3. Great! Very important topic and message nowadays

  4. This one is so well written blog 👏 100% true that how the definition of having friends have changed with time. Now a days every physical relationship has become "transactional", like you have a deal in the office. There is no difference between personal relationships and professional relationships. People have integrated everything and become confused. Thats why are losing the real value of real people/ relationships in our life, be it friends or family!!!

  5. Very nice 100 percent true you have explain today's friendship


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