Why it is important to make Mistakes ?

As a Human, Nobody is perfect, no matter how much they say. The time we are born we make mistakes, be it major or minor. Mistakes are things which you did not intend to do or can produce undesirable outcome.

Let us understand with Pros and Cons of the Mistakes.


  • Teaches us lesson.
  • Become more critical thinkers.
  • Improves retention.
  • Become more responsible and attentive.


  • Might lead into misconception.
  • Can make you depressed.
  • Feeling ashamed or dismay.
  • Failing to reach goal.

After comprehending the pros and cons of mistakes, now let us understand how mistakes are part of our life.

People and animals often learn from their mistakes. Mistakes helps us to better understand ourselves. We learn to reflect on our own mistakes. Making mistakes is not a bad thing but just have to learn to accept it and make the best of a bad situation. 

Mistakes, major or minor, always review yourself, make you aware and teach you important lessons in your life. Mistakes allow mentees to understand that life isn't perfect and that mistakes are part of growth process. Mistakes provide the wisdom and experience. So don't feel guilty or dismay. Always try to examine and learn from it.

- Shreya K 


  1. It's great.....so nicely written

  2. Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts.

  3. Simple and nice🌑❤️❤️
    Mistake is the part of life that's why pencil need eraser

  4. but sometimes mistakes do terrific changes in in life which work like pen not pencil..

  5. Mistakes and hardships create a better and stronger self


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