Why and how do you feel when some people don't support you?

In many aspects the support of family and friends play an important role in many lives. Regardless the circumstances, the pain and resentment that builds up during our hardships with those emotions won't disappear automatically. Relationships are quite complicated as it consists Love, Understanding, Trust and sometimes can turn into misunderstanding or skepticism. These things create an irksome issue to face and handle.

Why does it occur?

Sometimes you think some things are good for you, but for others it might not be same.
Since no two humans can be same, we all tend to think differently, we perceive the world differently, feel different feelings, analyze situations differently, react differently and think differently. The beauty of this feature is that; we have different opinions on everything. So accepting those different thinking might be difficult for some people because they are equalised in both positive and negative aspects.

Why some people are pessimistic towards you?

Zero attention is better than Negative attention. Being an individual, with different qualities some people respect and some people don't. People are mutually agreed upon their perspective and if their perspective doesn't match your qualities, then they might not respect or agree with your facts and then you might experience negativity in the mental dimension. So pause yourself from believing that.

How should you react?
Always be calm, whatever happens.

Your initial reaction to this kind of situations would be yelling or blaming or crying or dismay or may be worse than that. Instead of reacting, force yourself to leave the situation and go for a walk and calm yourself, practice mindfulness, splash some cold water to your face or look into the mirror and say "Be calm, Everything will be alright."

Why shouldn't you feel low?
You are a person who has been gifted with a Beautiful present, called Life. So you have all the abilities to do things.

Feeling low can only make you feel stressed out, can pull you into depression. It can highly affect your self-esteem. By any means, your self-esteem and self-worth are more important than anything else. Never lose it.

So find a perfect place with the positive self talks and affirmations and repeat.

Be truthful to oneself.

- Shreya K


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